hey, he gave an honest review..
hey, he gave an honest review..
We love you, AH!
Woah! NG has a new theme to the review-box-thing!
Anyway, we all love the Alien Homonid so much. The game is hard, but extremely rewarding (I've only beaten the robot-boss, but that's more than I can say for some of you. Bleh!). The console version is going to be one hundred times better, and considering how this is one of the top-ten best flash submissions EVER on NG, that's saying something. I salute you, Synj, with an oversized green blaster in one hand.
Oh, one more thing, AppleseedRevival: this IS by the same person that is making the PS2/Gamecube version, Dan Paladin!
You are the genious who decided to transfer it from the arcade? YOU ARE A GOD! TEH GOD OF FUNNERNESS!